Location: Roundabout at top of Parkway Ave.
You can't really see it but the blue (cycleroute) sign on the left says Darnall & City Centre. The green sign on the right, which is missing most of its letters, says ity e tre or some such and points to the right. OK this is directing motor traffic onto the Parkway but the city centre is still in the opposite direction to the cycle route. I suppose the intention is to direct cyclists across the bridge over the parkway and in on the NCN route, but as the signs are missing from this bridge all that is likely to happen is that you are going to get lost, and probably get a puncture into the bargain. I would go Parkway Ave then either Cricket Inn Rd or Woodbourn Rd/Worthing Rd and perhaps the 5WW for the last leg to town (if it was open)
Darnall is vaguely in the direction the sign points, but it's still not the route I would use. (Parkway Drive & Acres Hill makes more sense)
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