Friday, September 28, 2012

New stuff- Blackburn Valley, Halfway

Got another wodge of new stuff from the dinosaurs at the Council (Traffic Regulations and Legal Services: the only departments left who can't get it together to send you an email) Both good news anyway:  An Order confirming the status of Butterthwaite Lane to Loicher Lane as a Bridleway, another step forwards for the Chapeltown Greenway: and Old Lane Halfway, parking restrictions that will stop people from parking on the Connect 2 walking and cycling scheme connecting Killamarsh with Halfway tram terminus. Sadly, you won't be able to take your bike out to Halfway to use this cycle route, this being due to the intransigence, backsliding and idiocy of Stagecoach Supertram  Ltd, who as ever are very happy to profit from public investment as long as they don't have to contribute to it. (My views in this respect are my own, not necessarily those of the CTC.)