An interesting proposal for Boston St (the bottom of Cemetery Rd as it empties onto London Rd.) The problem here for a long time has been that motorists routinely ignore the bus gate, making it hazardous for cyclists and holding up buses. The council wants to enforce this by mobile camera but has to make sure the arrangements are legally enforceable before this can start. Hopefully this scan shows what is proposed:-
The left turn lane will be buses, bikes, taxis only 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Motor traffic will be able to go straight on but not turn left - a lot of the current abusers are trying to get onto the ring road avoiding the queues on Summerfield St and Moore St.
What do you think of it? Please leave me a comment.
The other ones I've had through are reinforced Keep Clears for school entrances which I have no problem with supporting.