Had a TRO on this yesterday.
The bus stop next to the tram stop is to be improved to accommodate the Tramlink buses taking passengers onto Stannington (where it was supposed to go initially - NIMBYs stopped that.) There will be a new bus lanes to allow the buses to pull out onto Holme Lane and a keep clear section to allow them to complete this maneouvre. All well and good.
On visiting the location last night however, I discovered that the pavements around Malin Bridge have been made shared use and some toucan crossings installed. Whilst this may be the best solution for the location, there has been no consultation over this development - I have received no paperwork from the council, it has not been to the Cycle Forum and to the best of my knowledge the Cycling Lead Officer for the council, Dick Skelton, has not been informed.
I've asked the council to investigate how this has happened and ask that in future the cycling lobby groups are properly consulted about all developments that affect cyclists.