Thursday, August 23, 2007

Devonshire Green

Received notification of a closure order for the Devonshire Green cycle track which I queried as follows:

Thank you for notifying me about the Stopping Up order for Devonshire
Green which was returned by the Post Office.

I do have a concern about this order, which is that no detail of what
the replacement facility will be, once the park is refurbished, is
given. The cycleway across Devonshire Green is part of the Peak Park
Anniversary Route as well as the local cycle network, and as a
flagship route should be restored to a high standard. I have no
problem with the cycle path being removed temporarily as long an
alternative facility of a high standard is provided in the long term.

There are no details of the plan in the conditional planning consent
- 06/04110/RG.

I would be grateful if you would let me have details of what is proposed.

Response was as follows:

This is a footpath closure as indicated in the wording of the Order. The
cycle route is not affected and this is clearly shown on the Order plan. The
cycle route will remain open during, and after, the period of site works on
the adjoining Devonshire Green.

Please contact Rob Barker in Planning (tel. 2734473) if you are interested
in details of the pedestrian facilities on the new public open space area.

So that's OK then!